Have your say on Anglesea hub

The Anglesea Community and Health Hub’s draft concept plan is open for community feedback following a co-design process.

The draft plan detailed where the hub’s facilities would be positioned on the McMillan Street site as it evolves over the next 30 years and identified the precinct’s principles and vision.

Surf Coast Shire Mayor Liz Pattison said the hub was a place that people of all ages used regularly and felt passionately about and thanked the community co-design group for their input.

“There are a wide range of views, and it was great to have a diverse mix of opinions represented in the community co-design group,” she said.

“The group had to consider a complex range of issues, as well as the long-time horizon. While there was varying opinions, the draft concept plan developed was supported by most of the group.”

Mayor Pattison said the council-owned site would “remain in public hands” and that affordable rental housing was a key element requirement of the plan.

“Too often we’re hearing stories of families who have lived in the area a long time having to leave and essential workers like teachers not being able to afford to live in the town,” she said.

“We have an opportunity to make an impactful contribution to the local affordable rental housing issue by providing different forms and types of housing respectful of the area’s surroundings.”

Council will also run information sessions on the draft plan in front of Morgan’s Bar and Grill in Anglesea from 3.30pm to 5.30pm on May 21 and from 10am to noon on June 1.

Visit surfcoast.vic.gov.au/AngleseaHub to view the draft concept plan for the site and provide feedback by June 11.

The draft concept plan will be considered by council at an upcoming meeting following the community engagement process.