47 years of service recognised

Warrant Officer Don Kenny (left) was presented with his Second Federation Star by Air Commodore James Badgery, Chief of Staff Air Force Headquarters. (Supplied)

An Air Force imagery specialist who grew up in Geelong was awarded the Second Federation Star for his 47 years of service in the military.

Warrant Officer Don Kenny was recognised for his close to five-decade-long career with the Australian Defence Force (ADF), during which he helped introduce digital photography to the ADF.

Warrant Officer Kenny grew up in Geelong before moving to Queensland to finish schooling and enlisted in the Citizens Military Force (CMF), now known as the Army Reserves, in 1977.

After graduating from Year 12, he followed in his father’s footsteps to pursue his photographic passion by transferring from the Army to the Air Force in 1979.

“This started a 27-year service in the permanent Air Force which was a great thing ‘being paid to do your hobby’,” he said.

“My most memorable experience was during 1994 when I led a small team in looking at alternative camera systems for 92WG Maritime Patrol.

“Eventually the Navy funded my project of the first maritime digital camera system to the RAAF. For recognition I partook in the first operation patrol, utilising the new Kodak/Nikon system.”

Warrant Officer Kenny said he was proud to have been posted to be the “Officer-in-Charge of the Air Force’s Photographic Flight at East Sale” in 2003.

“I undertook discussions with the Australian National Training Authority to develop a training package to align with current workplace requirements within the ADF,” he said.

“While I am blessed with good health, I would like to continue serving the nation as a reservist both as a Reserve Liaison Officer and Imagery Specialist.”

Warrant Officer Kenny’s service career includes 13 postings, which he had served in all of Australia’s states, and he had also served in tours overseas.