Three Geelong Year 12 students are helping women in need by raising money for pamper packs to assist with the complicated healing journeys.
Northern Bay College Goldsworthy Campus’ Belinda Heerin, Indyanna Mayo, and William Nadolski chose violence against women to advocate for as it is a social issue they were passionate about.
Belinda said she wanted to focus on violence against women when she first heard about the task in the students’ Literacy Inquiry subject, which required them to advocate for a social issue.
“The best thing we can do for women in violent situations is to try to help them find themselves again and support them through their healing journeys,” she said.
Indyanna said the group wanted to help women by raising money for pamper packs that included necessary items like sanitary pads, toiletries, candles, activity books, and student letters.
“The items we’ve included in the pack are intended to help women feel like themselves again after a violent situation,” she said.
William said they had already received a good response from the community, with people reaching out to the students through social media showing support for the students’ task.
“The feedback has been all positive so far… and I’m proud to be a part of the project,” he said.
The students’ Literacy Inquiry teacher Falk Davis said the project formed part of the student’s final literacy assignments, focusing on social justice causes and awareness.
“We look forward to seeing what difference they can make to making their community a better place to live,” he said.
People can help Belinda, Indyanna and William make the pamper backs by donating to their GoFundMe at gofund.me/3560f723 or check out their Tik Tok page st0pviolenceagainstwomen