A Geelong local is helping raise mental health awareness by competing in a hike to support fellow charity organisations.
The Great Aussie Hike is a 30, 43, 57, or 100-kilometre course across Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula on March 24 and 25 for registered teams to raise money for beneficiary Lifeline Australia.
The Power in You Project mental health co-ordinator Meike Maarsezeen said she felt excited and nervous about participating in the Great Aussie Hike and chose to join after a family loss.
“Last year I lost a family member and one way for me to deal with it, I started walking and I needed to set a goal for myself to keep working on my mental health,” she said.
“I’ll be doing it with six other staff members. I’ve got them joining me on the walk and we have all been training with each other.”
Ms Maarsezeen said this was the first time she would be doing the hike, and would be participating with co-workers Matt Ludbrook, Michael Graham, Bashia Speed, Georgina Coutts and Emily Richardson.
“You might have a bad day, but the next day can be that one per cent better that the day before,” she said.
“It’s just an easy way to have that conversation with each other and knowing that you’re not alone and makes it as a group challenge and everyone involved in it at work.“
Ms Maarsezeen said her dad was also flying from Holland to see her complete the hike.
Program director Anna Brown said the event helped people support each other through a fun challenge.
“It doesn’t matter what distance you do or how your team gets to the finish line. It’s all about mates supporting each other in a fun, positive environment,” she said.
Lifeline can provide 24-7 over-the-phone support at 13 11 14, through text at 0477 131 114, or online at www.lifeline.org.au.
Jena Carr