Council seeks support for housing project

Geelong councillor Sarah Hathway. (Supplied)

Matt Hewson

As the affordable housing crisis deepens, Geelong council is seeking to lease a site in Corio for a new social housing project.

The council has proposed to lease a 2298 square-metre vacant site at 116-120 Purnell Road, Corio for social housing for up to 50 years.

The site was identified by City officers as a potential location for social housing in 2021 and received widespread support from the community when its feedback was sought in 2022.

At the April council meeting voted to seek a Registered Housing Association (RHA) partner to pursue a social housing development at the site.

At the meeting Councillor Sarah Hathway introduced amendments to ensure the council retained possession of the site and any development would consist entirely of social housing.

The council has now begun its feedback process, with community members able to make submissions online or in writing.

Cr Hathway said the land’s proximity to important services and businesses made it a prime location for social housing.

“This vacant site is situated in an area near the Norlane ARC, Corio Village, Corio Library and recreation reserves, ensuring that potential social housing tenants are engaged and part of the community,” Cr Hathway said.

“This proposed lease is another step in the process of helping to support people on low incomes in Greater Geelong.

“We look forward to a future report to council to outline the findings of this engagement and the City’s work to seek proposals for the site from a Registered Housing Association.”

Deputy Mayor Anthony Aitken encouraged community members to get involved with the engagement process, saying there was an “urgent need” for social housing in the region.

“The most time and cost-efficient option is to form partnerships with RHAs to explore projects, funding opportunities and plans for community engagement,” Cr Aitken said.

“In order to create these partnerships, the City first needs to engage with the community about leasing the land for this purpose.”

To make a submission visit or by writing to the Coordinator Property and Leasing, Greater Geelong City Council, Wadawurrung Country, PO Box 104, Geelong, VIC 3220.