Victoria is facing a critical shortage of foster carers with more than 1700 children in care in Victoria at any one time and the Barwon region is falling way behind.
There are currently just 118 accredited and active foster carers in the Greater Geelong area.
Foster carers play a vital role in ensuring that every child in Victoria has a loving home during periods when they cannot live with their birth families.
This week is Foster Care week and Barwon Child, Youth and Family (BCYF), a local foster care agency, is calling for help.
Geelong’s Mary Kelly has been foster caring through BCYF for six years. She has cared for over 20 different children.
Mary decided to become a foster carer having witnessed the positive impact it has on children and families through people she knew in the community.
“Every kid needs a chance and every parent needs a second chance,” she said.
“Foster caring gives the kids an opportunity to see different ways people live, and to get the support and love they need.
“It’s hard work and you can’t take anything personally. Each child is different and presents different challenges.”
For Mary, fostering has been a life changing experience.
“There are issues in our community that some people need support to deal with,” she said.
“Lots of people go through life without anyone to show them how to care for a family, or to show them the way. Fostering allows me to step in and help.”
Fostering Connections, a joint initiative between foster care agencies across Victoria and the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, is seeking to raise the profile of foster care in Geelong and invite more people in the community to become foster carers.
Anyone over the age of 21 who has a spare bedroom can apply to become a foster carer.
Applicants take part in training and various checks before becoming an accredited foster carer and are provided with round-the-clock support, including financial assistance.
For more information about fostering a child or to get in touch with your local foster care agency, visit fosteringconnections.com.au or call 1800 013 088.