State announces $71 million for women’s health

Premier Daniel Andrews today announced a $71 million plan to provide 20 women’s health clinics across the state.

The premier was in Geelong this morning to make the announcement and said the decision was an attempt to spotlight and help treat certain health conditions.

The premier said he would also work with Aboriginal-health organisations to deliver a dedicated Aboriginal-led women’s health clinic and rollout a mobile clinic to head to remote parts of the state.

“It’s time women’s health needs were treated with focus and respect because that’s exactly what they deserve,” he said.

“For too long, too many women haven’t been listened to and their health issues have been ignored. This plan will transform women’s healthcare, ensuring every Victorian woman can access the support and treatment they need and deserve.

“Some of the most common conditions experienced by women go undiagnosed and untreated – tragically, sometimes until it’s too late. This is about making sure women have the care, and peace of mind, they need.”

They clinics will provide comprehensive care for Victorian women experiencing conditions such as endometriosis, pelvic pain, polycystic ovary syndrome, perimenopause and menopause.

The state will also expand its network of sexual and reproductive health hubs, with $6.4 million to establish an additional nine locations.