A mob of kangaroos’ “survival crisis” amid expanding development at Torquay has prompted calls for council action.
More than 800 people have signed an online petition urging Surf Coast Shire to “mitigate” the risk of vehicles hitting kangaroos on Messmate Rd.
Local conservationist Jodie Oliver’s petition calls for a lower 60km/h limit on Messmate Rd between the Surf Coast Hwy and Coombes Rd.
Nearby development was forcing the kangaroos to frequently jump across the road in search of food and water in surrounding paddocks, Ms Oliver said.
“They’re land-locked around a food-depleted construction site,” she said.
“These natural corridors have been depleted by development, there’s very limited opportunity for roos to move safely around their traditional home range.
“They have no option but to risk their lives among the speeding traffic on surrounding major roads.”
Torquay North West Coast Business Park was gradually taking over the area where the mob had lived for decades, Ms Oliver said.
More than 30 kangaroos living on a farm paddock west of the commercial area were most “at-risk”.
“This mob will continue to use the paddock whilst surrounding development increases and traffic becomes heavier,” Ms Oliver said.
The land’s owner supported a reduction in the speed limit but previous negotiations with council regarding traffic management on Messmate Rd had been unsuccessful, she said.
“Reducing the speed limit is the very least the council can do.
“I’ve lived around that area for more than 30 years and I’ve attended numerous pouch-checks and road kill.”
Messmate Rd had become “a highway for cars” that were constantly “breaking speed limits”, Ms Oliver said.
“Hopefully motorists will take notice of reduced speed limits rather than risk a speeding fine,” she said.
Ms Oliver hoped to gather 1000 signatures on the petition before its submission to council later this month.