My Place with Clinton Meehan

Clinton Meehan (Ivan Kemp) 423392_07

Clinton Meehan is the senior program coordinator for Leisure Networks’ sport, recreation and health team. He speaks to Jena Carr about what he loves about living and working in the Geelong region. 


What is your connection to Geelong? 

I am originally from Melbourne and moved to Geelong to work in Torquay in 2012.  

Besides a few stints working in Melbourne and commuting, I have mostly worked and lived with my family in North Geelong for 12 years. 


What do you like about where you live? 

I can ride my bike to work, and Geelong is very liveable and safe. I like getting around easily, and it’s not too busy. 

We have access to so much here, and I can travel to Melbourne or Warrnambool to see family easily. 


What, if anything, would you change about where you live? 

Geelong has changed and evolved so much over the last decade in so many positive ways. 

But we also have pockets in our community that are generationally disadvantaged, including people living with a Disability.  

I hope the current and future leaders of Geelong address these issues and develop solutions to create meaningful change.  


Where is your favourite place to spend time? 

There are too many. I love the You Yangs for a family walk or trail run and going to the cosy corner beach in Torquay with our son Theodore over the summer. I also like to walk alongside the Geelong waterfront, which is at our doorstep. 

Lastly, I love being part of the region’s community competitions and the weeknights playing basketball at Geelong United.   


What is something people may not know about you? 

My grandmother was born in Geelong and grew up in Modewarre, so I have family ties across the Barwon region.  


What do you like most about your role with Leisure Networks? 

I love working for such a purposeful organisation within our sport, recreation and health team. In particular, the work our team has been able to do in the all-abilities sports space.  

We love using the power of sport to make the communities we serve in Geelong more inclusive and welcoming.