Seeking help during Men’s Health Week

Geelong men are urged to speak out and seek help for their mental and physical wellbeing during International Men’s Health Week.

This year’s Men’s Health Week, running from June 10 to 16, focuses on Men’s Health Checks, with Geelong Men urged to reach out for help for their health.

Cancer Council Victoria’s head of prevention and adjunct associate professor Craig Sinclair said men were more likely to develop cancer than women and less likely to seek help.

“Having conversations with your mates about the importance of cancer screening or speaking to a health professional can save your life,” he said.

“Cancer Council Victoria wants to encourage men to be more proactive about their own health, and that of their mates, because prevention is always better than a cure.

“Keep up to date with bowel screening, if you notice any unusual changes to your body speak to a GP, reduce alcohol intake, increase physical activity, and take steps to quit smoking or vaping.”

Kids Helpline recorded 57 responses a day from young men compared with 195 women during May, with males aged between 19 and 25 representing 37 per cent of those seeking help.

yourtown, which powers Kids Helpline, chief executive Tracy Adams said many young men had trouble talking about their emotions and feelings.

“Social norms have encouraged them to conform to a masculine ideal that emphasizes values like stoicism, toughness, and competitiveness,” she said.

“These social dynamics have long-term implications for their mental health… As a community, we need to teach boys that it’s OK to reach out for help.

“Young males aged between 15 to 18 years of age are the least likely to seek mental health support due to societal stigma, often delaying seeking professional counsellor help until they are in crisis.”

Help is available through Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, Cancer Council on 13 11 20, MensLine Australia on 1300 78 99 78, Lifeline on 13 11 14, or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.