Northern aquatic centre open

Cr Belinda Moloney, Cr Sarah Hathway, Deputy Mayor Anthony Aitken, Ella George MP, Hon Richard Marles MP, Geelong Mayor Trent Sullivan, Cr Peter Murrihy and Cr Ron Nelson. (Supplied)

Geelong’s newest aquatic centre officially opened in Norlane with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday (February 9).

Local dignitaries and community members gathered at the brand new Northern Aquatic and Community Hub (NACH), which replaces the Waterworld and Centenary Hall facilities on the corner of Cox Road and the Princes Highway.

The $65 million facility was constructed predominantly with funding from the City of Greater Geelong ($48.84m) with contributions from the state ($8.5m) and federal ($8.26) governments.

The hub features a 25-metre pool, warm water pool, learn to swim pool, water play area and waterslide, as well as gym and exercise facilities, a multi-purpose hall, childcare facilities and health consulting suites.

The NACH will employ around 250 full-time, part-time and casual staff, while its construction provided employment for nearly 1200 workers.

Mayor Trent Sullivan thanked the Victorian and Australian governments for their contributions to the project.

“This facility is so important for the future of Geelong’s northern suburbs and stood as the council’s number one advocacy priority for several years as we tried to get it funded and ultimately built,” Mayor Sullivan said.

“After so much effort by many people, it is amazing to see the hub finished and looking incredible.”

State Member for Lara Ella George MP said it was exciting to see the hub officially open.

“Facilities like this are so important for local communities as a place for active recreation, leisure, and connecting with friends and family,” Ms George said.

“I’m proud that the Allan Labor Government has invested $8.5 million to make this project a reality for Geelong’s northern suburbs.

“Every Victorian deserves world class aquatic community facilities, and that’s exactly what we’re delivering in Norlane.”

The hub will have its first full day of operation on Monday, February 19.