From the Archives

4 years ago - February 7, 2020

2 years ago

February 11, 2022

Geelong paramedics have responded to their busiest quarter ever as the spike in COVID-19 cases last year saw an increase in code one callouts.

Ambulance Victoria’s response time data for last three months of 2021 showed there were 4138 code one – lights and sirens – emergency callouts within the City of Greater Geelong, almost 200 more than the same period in 2020.

4 years ago

February 7, 2020

Ratepayers will soon have forked out $100,000 for monitors at Geelong council – money a community watchdog says could be better spent elsewhere.

“It’s a lot for no deliverable outcome,” Ratepayers Geelong president Peter Mitchell said. “There’s no feedback to the ratepayers about what has happened with that money we’ve paid for.”

6 years ago

February 9, 2018

A coalition MP has broken ranks with his Geelong colleagues over their calls to locate the city’s convention centre at Western Beach.

Debate on the centre’s location was “a bit late” given the State Government had all but decided on its preferred site at Deakin University, Mr Ramsay said.

8 years ago

February 12, 2016

A forgotten piece of Geelong’s history revealing that Newtown was a centre of the 1850s gold rush has been accidentally uncovered by an amateur historian.

Newtown’s Chris Ganly discovered that seven mining companies sank a dozen shafts up to 30 metres deep and tunnelled 70m under Mercer’s Hill in search of an elusive gold mine.