Tackling road safety

City of Greater Geelong mayor Trent Sullivan. (supplied)

By Cr Trent Sullivan

Road safety is an issue that affects all of us.

It is a matter to be taken seriously by all levels of government, as well as by all transport users.

Recently the City of Greater Geelong opened up a community engagement campaign dedicated to the development of an Integrated Transport Strategy, which will set the long-term vision and directions for transport decision making across Greater Geelong.

The Integrated Transport Strategy sets out a vision, objectives and actions for Council to deliver and advocate for, in order to meet the evolving needs of our growing community.

The first engagement phase, which will be open until Tuesday June 18, will help inform the development of the Integrated Transport Strategy background report.

This in turn will form the basis for further engagement next year.

During this step we are seeking input from the community and user groups on issues and opportunities that impact how we get around the Greater Geelong region.

This includes options such as driving, walking, riding a bicycle, using public transport, catching a ferry and more.

The region’s transport demands will only continue to rise in the coming years as we aim to meet future population growth, and Council is committed to delivering an efficient, connected and robust transport network that meets existing and future transport needs.

More information can be found at the City’s Have Your Say page yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au/ITS and I encourage you to get involved.

From an advocacy perspective, it was so pleasing to be on the end of some wonderful news regarding funding for three road safety projects under the annual Transport Accident Commission’s Local Government Grant Program.

The City of Greater Geelong was one of 40 Victorian councils to receive grants for various projects, with a strong focus on reducing crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists, who are most vulnerable to trauma on our roads.

As a result of this funding, a raised wombat crossing will be unveiled later this year on Batten Road in Armstrong Creek near the Oberon High School entrance, to assist students and other community members crossing the road.

The TAC is providing $52,000 towards the project and Council will match this contribution.

Further, a joint project between the City of Greater Geelong and Surf Coast Shire will see an options analysis conducted to investigate future safe cycling options between Geelong and Torquay.

Both councils have received a $30,000 grant, with the money we have received to go towards developing multiple options for a safe cycle route from Geelong to Torquay – including concept plans and high-level costings for each option.

We were also grateful to receive $30,000 for a Vision Zero Plan, which plays a part in our road safety strategy, Vision Zero Geelong.

This new plan will develop a process for identifying gaps between the current state of our transport system and Vision Zero, where we have no trauma on Greater Geelong roads.

The work we do in this space is vital to ensuring the safety of our community, and I thank the TAC for their commitment to supporting our endeavours.