Artists raising funds for school

Sophia Legoe is one of the local artists donating her work to the Barwon Heads Primary School Art Show. (Ivan Kemp) 429686_04

The Bellarine and Surf Coast arts community has come together to support a Barwon Heads school.

Barwon Heads Primary School’s 2024 Art Show features a selection of donated works from a range of artists from Barwon Heads, Ocean Grove, Point Lonsdale and Torquay.

Themed around the beauty, power and serenity of the ocean and nature, the artworks are being auctioned to raise money for the school.

The online auction is already live on GalaBid, with the public able to view and bid on items until Friday, September 13.

Exhibition organiser Fran Derham said the donated works celebrated the culture and lifestyle of Barwon Heads.

“We’re so lucky to have such talented, generous artists in our community who are willing to donate their work and support the school,” Ms Derham said.

“It’s a great opportunity to add to your art collection and celebrate our local artists while making a meaningful impact in our school community.”

BHPS principal Rob Bennetts said all proceeds from the event would go towards strengthening the school’s art programs.

“We’re thrilled to bring together such a talented group of local artists and art enthusiasts to support our school,” Mr Bennetts said.

The entire exhibition can be viewed online at or at Barwon Heads Primary School gym on September 12 and 13 from 3pm to 4.30pm.

Contact Fran Derham at or on 0402257323 for more information about the artworks and exhibition.