My Place with Michelle Baker

Michelle Baker (Ivan Kemp) 393361_02

Michelle Baker volunteers with Lifeline Geelong once a week to help people during some of the worst days of their lives. She speaks with the Independent’s Jena Carr about her role and what she loves about living in Armstrong Creek.

What is your connection to Geelong?

I used to holiday in Geelong when I was growing up, then moved to Ocean Grove in 2000 and have loved living in the Geelong region since then.

What do you like about where you live?

I love living so close to our beautiful beaches. I’m in Armstrong Creek now and love being halfway between Geelong and the coast.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

I would change the weather, as it would be great if it were warmer.

Where is your favourite place to spend time?

I love spending time at Eastern Beach, Torquay, Ocean Grove, or anywhere by the water.

My absolute favourite places to spend time are walking on the beach, exploring rock pools and enjoying the scenery.

What is something people may not know about you?

People may not know that I volunteer for Lifeline, supporting people in crisis on the phone one night a week.

What do you like about your role with Lifeline?

It is an absolute privilege to be there for people at that dark moment in their lives when they really need someone to talk to.

It can be a challenge, of course, but it’s rewarding to provide support to people when they need to talk to someone.

They won’t be judged and will be treated with empathy, compassion and respect. Lifeline is an amazing service run by the most supportive people.

I have also been very fortunate to provide support to people at ‘‘A Day on the Green’’.

I’ve seen the Chicks and Robbie Williams during the event and will get to see the Chemical Brothers this weekend. This has definitely been a highlight.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

If people would like to know more about Lifeline and how they can be involved in this fantastic and much-needed service, an Open Day Information Session is coming up.

It will be on Tuesday, March 26, from 2pm to 6pm at Lifeline Geelong on 1 McKillop Street.