Student’s water art

Students in front of the National Water Week posters on display at the Geelong Gallery's Learn Space. (Supplied)

Three local students have succeeded in the National Water Week poster competition, with their artworks displayed at the Geelong Gallery.

Lisieux Catholic Primary School’s Teddy and Bellaire Primary School’s Jordan and Frida were successful in their year categories.

The Bellaire Primary School students said they felt pride in the posters they created and that they helped highlight the importance of water.

“All living things are connected in water. If you don’t have water, you won’t survive,” Frida said.

“If water wasn’t in the world there would be no life. It’s not just a random thing on earth, it’s important to everyone,” Jordan said.

Barwon Water Customers, Community and Strategy general manager Laura Kendall said she was thankful for the students’ thoughtful artworks.

“If we’re united in our approach to saving water now, we’re less likely to face restrictions of our region’s precious water resources if we experience a few dry years in a row,” she said.

Geelong Gallery director and chief executive Jason Smith said he was glad to showcase the students’ artworks and was amazed by the 190 posters from the region’s primary school children.

“I’m inspired by the imagination and quality of the work of the young artists. They’ve done a fantastic job conveying how we are united by water as one of our most precious resources,” he said.

The free exhibition of the student’s posters opened to the public on October 21, which coincided with National Water Week from October 16 to 22 at the Geelong Gallery’s Learn Space.

The exhibition will close on Sunday, February 25, next year, and more information is available on the Geelong Gallery and Barwon Water website.