Lara singer takes fans on ‘world tour’

Lara musician Dom Italiano 'stops' in Malta during his virtual world tour. (Rebecca Hosking) 208301_01

By Luke Voogt

Lara singer-songwriter Dom Italiano is on a ‘world tour’ with his “small but loyal group” of fans amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

With just a green screen in his recording studio, Italiano is taking followers from Antarctica to Malta in two live streamed shows each day.

“I get the suggestions of where to go from people on the live stream,” he told the Independent.

“All I’m doing is making use of a green screen behind me, getting photos off the net and pretending I’m on a world tour, instead of going on one.

“Someone said, ‘go to the Galapagos Islands’. I said, ‘OK, cool!’”

Italiano suggested he could even leave this world on his ‘iso’ tour.

“I could definitely go to Middle Earth or Terry Pratchett’s Discworld,” he said.

“What’s great about this whole lockdown thing is if you’ve got a bit of imagination and stubbornness, you can take people on a journey.

“I could just sit around, do nothing and watch Netflix, or I can use this technology to do something a little bit novel – like go on tour every day.”

Today Italiano will also release his newest single, The Arsonist, a song about needing the bad to appreciate the good.

“The song seems to be an eerie forecast, because I wrote and recorded it a year ago, but it’s very much in line with what we’re going through,” he said.

“Us westerners, we’ve been particularly lucky to live in this system that has been put together to make our lives easy.

“The circumstances we’re in at the moment just highlight how fickle that well-oiled machine can be.”

The Arsonist is off Italiano’s upcoming album, The Hurt Party, to be released on June 5.

For information search Dom Italiano music on Facebook.