Supporting LGBTIQA+ kids

John Terry Moore will launch his fourth book on June 14. (Louisa Jones) 410883_03

By Jena Carr

John Terry Moore will tackle issues facing LGBTQIA+ youth through the release of his fourth book in Geelong.

The Wandana Heights author will launch ‘A Gentle Man’ at Beav’s Bar on Little Malop Street at 6pm on Friday, June 14, as part of Better Together 2024, a national LGBTIQA+ conference.

Mr Moore said he was “absolutely excited” to release the book about two friends and a love affair with a “surprising person”.

“I resigned as a celebrant 10 years ago when I turned 70. I’m now 81 and I’ve written four books in that time. Each one of those has a message of some sort behind it,” he said.

“There are kids out there still suffering from homophobic attitudes…and hopefully, my storytelling, along with a lot of other people in the world, makes kids feel a little bit better about themselves.

“I have buried a lot of young people whose parents had no idea (about their kid’s sexuality), but I knew. That’s what turned me around and I looked to do something before they think of suicide.”

Mr Moore said it was important to address issues facing young people following his experience in coming to terms with his sexuality.

“As a kid in deepest, darkest Tasmania where I was born, no one even knew what gay meant and I struggled with my identity,” he said.

“I was very fortunate as I refused to give in, and I knew nothing was wrong with me. I was just another human being, and… I see other kids these days struggling in the same way.”

People can contact Mr Moore on 0407-048 602 to book a spot for the launch.

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