This local pooch is on a mission to help Geelong students hit the books.
Penny, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, is the first canine in the region to join the Story Dogs team.
The two-year-old pooch is part of the not-for-profit charity that sees dogs visit schools to encourage kids to give reading a try.
Owner and program volunteer Karen Knuckey thought her “clever, fun and calming” dog would be the “perfect” fit for the program.
“When I got Penny I realised there was something special about her,” she said.
“I was trying to get her into some therapy dog stuff and then I heard about Story Dog and thought it was a great idea.
“I think it’s such a vital program because literacy is so fundamental.”
The Newtown duo will be matched with four, year two Whittington Primary School students, visiting them weekly for one-on-one reading sessions from next month.
Penny’s role is to “sit and listen” as the kids read, Karen explains.
“Penny likes to be spoken to and acknowledged, and likes to be patted,” she said.
“Often the dogs will listen to the kids with their eyes closed. They find it very enjoyable.”
Karen said children can relax in the dog’s company and read aloud without feeling judged by their peers.
“Reading to an adult or classmates can sometimes be intimidating for kids,” she said.
“Our mission is to make reading fun for kids and develop their confidence.“
Away from the books, Penny likes to eat and play.
“She has about 100 toys but all she wants to do is chase tennis balls and bubbles,” Karen explains.
Karen said Story Dogs was looking for teams and community sponsors, for more information visit www.storydogs.org.au.