St Joseph’s year 11 student Nick Nadile hopes his new moustache can be a “billboard” for mental health after he lost friends to suicide this year.
“I want it to be a conversation-starter,” he told the Independent.
“This year I just felt I needed to raise as much awareness as possible because of what’s happened.”
The 17-year-old Highton local credits his Italian heritage for his “thick” upper lip growth, but admits he started Movember a little bit early.
Some friends and family have complimented his new facial hair, while others described it as “filthy”, he said.
“While some people might not like the look, everyone is supporting the cause.”
The worldwide event supporting men’s health and cancer research is especially important for Nick this year after a close friend and another mate committed suicide.
He described his close friend and footy comrade as a “comedian” who brought laughter and joy to others.
“It’s been a bit quieter without him but we’ve stuck together strongly as a community,” he said.
Nick described his friend’s death as “very unexpected”.
“I saw him the day before and he was happy when I was speaking to him,” he said.
He hopes by joining Movember he can show young men that “there’s no shame” in sharing their feelings or asking for help.
He and his schoolmates created a Facebook group recently to check up on each other following the deaths, he said.
“We always talk about them and have a laugh at the memories. We’re definitely stronger as a community now.”
Details: au.movember.com/team/2286663
For help, phone Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.