Devils moving forward

Corio Cricket Club president Mitch Grace, Corio Community Sports Club president Greg Ince, Jack Hall, Member for Lara Ella George, Joel Bennett, Windermere councillor Anthony Aitken, Toby Bennett, Northern Stars footballer Tiana Foran-Brymer, Kevin Hayes and former Windermere councillor Kylie Grzybek. (supplied)

Modern gender-neutral and accessible facilities at Shell Reserve are hoped to support future participation growth in football, netball and cricket at Corio Community Sports Club.

The project involved the demolition of the existing changerooms and the construction of new facilities at the Purnell Road precinct.

The construction of the changerooms follows on the back of last year’s unveiling of two new netball courts and new cricket nets at Shell Reserve.

Council provided $3.081 million towards the project while the Victorian government tipped in $500,000 through a Local Infrastructure Fund – Female Friendly Facilities stream.

Along with supporting current operations, the redeveloped changerooms will assist the club as it continues to grow its membership and will cater for a surge in women and girls taking up football, netball, and cricket.

Deputy mayor Anthony Aitken said the project had given so much joy to himself and former fellow Windermere councillor Kylie Grzybek.

“The Shell Reserve project is an excellent example of council working closely with a local community, in this case, the Corio Community Sports Club, to fund investments that support the introduction of female and unique all-abilities programs,” he said.

“This wasn’t possible with the facilities that previously existed. The new netball courts, cricket facilities and changerooms all assist Shell Reserve to become a fantastic modern location and make the Devils a club of choice in the north.

“This development is an important commitment to assist people to be active and part of the community in which they live.”