Freshwater Creek farmer Barry Schulze is hoping sacrificing 35 hectares of his canola crop for a good cause will draw big crowds this weekend and next.
Barry has carved out a heart shape message of hope for interstate farmers battling drought and creating an event space including a 40-acre carpark for the Canola Flowering Festival community fund-raiser.
His crop is already at its peak and flowering with an amazing display of colour, perfect for public viewing.
“All the community are getting together to show their support for farmers up north,“ he said.
“Proceeds will go to farming families in most need in the Upper Hunter region and across to Broken Hill – particularly those affected by suicide and divorce. Some people have been doing it really tough for five years now.”
Local couple Carmen and Bob Chapman are helping to coordinate the festival.
Carmen said 40 volunteers from Freshwater Creek CFA, churches, businesses and Kiwanis, Rotary and Quota International service clubs from Ocean Grove, Torquay and Geelong are supporting the event.
“All we want now is the people and good weather,” she said.
Barry said visitors are being invited to stroll on mown areas through flowering Canola, participate in photo shoots and do their bit to support farmers in need.
“Elders have donated 100 bright red hats but we are asking people wear something red for our love heart aerial shots in the Canola Fields,” he said.
“We need at least 500-1000 people to fill the outer track of the heart and maybe enter the Guinness Book of World Records.”
His property at Lot 495 Charlemont Road, Connewarre is open 6, 7 and 13 October from 9am-11.30am for photo shoots and for the major festival fund-raising day next Sunday 15 October.
“Family entertainment on the Sunday fund-raiser includes a jumping castle, bucking bull, food stalls, farming display, face-painting and magician Dazzling Dan.
“There will also be live music from local bands and other artists including Voice finalist Jimmy Cupples and Domenic Italiano.”
Entry is $5 adults and $20 for families.
Visit www.canolafloweringfestival.com.au for more information.