Prepare for a sea of Ford as a new car show comes to Geelong to raise money for kids in need through Camp Quality.
Falcon GT Club of Geelong will host the inaugural Camp Quality Blue Oval Car Show at South Barwon Reserve from 10am to 2pm on April 7.
Club president Malcolm Lloyd said there would be many old and new Ford cars on display and a sausage sizzle, with all money raised going to children’s charity Camp Quality.
“We’ve been talking about an event for the club for a few years now and got Camp Quality on board, which is excellent as they’re one of our major sponsors,” he said.
“We’re hoping to get around 100 cars for the first event… and depending on how many cars and people we get there, we’ll try and make this an annual event if we can.
“It’s $10 entry per car and a gold coin donation for walk-ins (to look at the car displays), so this will be one of the cheapest car shows going around, and it’s all going to charity.”
Camp Quality’s Ray Murray said he looked forward to seeing the event happen and everyone enjoying a great day out.
“Our (esCarpade) group, which is called The Southern Stars, last year raised over $122,000 (across the state and over 12 months) as a team,” he said.
“We started fundraising for camp quality about 15 years ago for kids with cancer, and we are now involved with the GT club and everything’s going smoothly.”
Contact the club at falcongtclubgeelong@gmail.com to enter a car into the event, or visit campquality.org.au to donate to Camp Quality.