A local volunteer group is set to provide more than 350 cyclists with energy, hydration and encouragement when Australia’s “biggest” bike ride hits Geelong this Sunday.
Ten volunteers from Athletics Chilwell are preparing to assist hundreds of participants partaking in the 135km Geelong to Melbourne Around the Bay ride, said volunteer Geoff McDonald.
“We’ve got to be there to provide them with what they need… the amount of food we go through is huge,” he said.
“By the time they get to us they’re very hungry, the cakes in particular are really popular.”
Geoff said Sunday’s ride would mark the seventh time Athletics Chilwell had volunteered at the event.
“It can get a bit hectic, but it’s quite enjoyable. We have the same people volunteer every year because we just love it.”
The Geelong leg is one of nine options in the nation-wide ride that helps raise funds for children’s charity The Smith Family.
“When you see people of all ages and dimensions participating, I think it’s fantastic… you really admire them,” Geoff said.
Event organisers Bicycle Network will also donate $50 per volunteer to the club as a way to recognise their efforts, he said.
“We’re a volunteer-based club so it helps us purchase important things for our athletes like equipment and uniforms.”
For more information visit www.bicyclenetwork.com.au/rides-and-events/around-the-bay.