Surf Coast Shire ranks higher than other councils

Community satisfaction continues to improve in most areas of Surf Coast Shire Council’s management categories, scoring higher than other large rural councils.

Council received an overall performance index score of 57, more than the large-rural councils’ group average rating of 50, according to the Victorian Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey.

Councillor Gary Allen said waste management registered the highest satisfaction index score of 73 out of 100, three points higher than last year.

“We are pleased our ratings continue to be higher than other councils across the board and survey responses have highlighted areas with room for improvement,” he said.

“Knowing how passionate and aware our community is about our environment, waste reduction and recycling, the endorsement from community means a great deal.”

Community satisfaction regarding maintenance of sealed and unsealed roads had improved since last year, with sealed roads scoring 57, up from 56, and unsealed scoring 48, up from 46.

Cr Allen said ratings were above the large rural scores of 38 and 34 in these road categories, and statewide scores of 45 and 36.

“We look forward to community input from our recent extensive unsealed roads review helping to guide our work in this area into the future,” he said.

“Even though maintenance of unsealed roads ranked two points higher this year, it remains an area in our community that is looking for improvement.

“As always, doing more in one area requires decisions on how to deliver it whether that be reducing something else we are doing or looking for new revenue.”

Three area scores remained unchanged, including consultation and engagement at 52, value for money at 51, and customer service at 71, while council direction decreased by one point at 45.