Specialist disability home on track

Lions Club Ocean Grove Barwon Heads treasurer Greg Spaull and VP Geof Gardiner. (Supplied)

A new specially-designed residence for people living with disability is set for completion this August.

Delivered by a partnership between Geelong-based service provider genU and the Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Lions Club, the new specialist disability accommodation (SDA) will provide a purpose-built home for up to four local people.

Currently being built by BDH Construction and other local tradespeople, the residence boasts four separate bedrooms with ensuites, common areas and overnight accommodation for a support worker to provide round the clock supported independent living.

The SDA will also feature slip resistant flooring, height-adjustable kitchen benches, fall prevention measures, ceiling hoists and solar panels.

Three existing genU clients will move into the new home from their current residence once construction is complete.

Clare Amies, genU chief executive, said the clients had a say in the design of the property, and their input had been invaluable for helping ensure the house met their needs.

“The new specialist home will improve liveability and better support the residents needs now and into the future,” she said.

“A purpose-built disability home empowers residents to live with independence and confidence as part of their local community, with tailored support delivered to them in their own home.”

With a cost of $2.3 million, the project was made possible by a $600,000 donation from Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Lions Club.

Ms Amies said the Lions Club’s donation was literally helping build an inclusive community.

“Part of genU’s mission is to help people reach their full potential and we thank the Lions Cub for seeing the value of this community and wanting to be involved,” Ms Amies said.

Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Lions Club president Bob Marmion said the club was delighted to partner with genU and welcomed news the project was on track.

“This exciting project is the culmination of the Lions Club’s fundraising efforts through its charitable foundation (Barwon Grove Foundation), and its passion over more than 30 years to provide accommodation services for those in need in the community,” Mr Marmon said.