Drop-in sessions for cat owners

Surf Coast Shire Council is offering cat owners drop-in sessions to help them understand how the new 24-hour cat curfew affects their feline friends.

All cats within the shire must always be confined to their owner’s premises unless properly restrained once the council’s revised cat confinement order comes into full effect on September 30.

One-hour drop-in sessions will occur on Saturday, August 19, at the Torquay Farmer’s Market from 9.30am, Anglesea Community House from 11.30am, and Winchelsea Shire Hall from 2pm.

Councillor Rose Hodge said the sessions were a chance for residents to learn more about the modifications that can be made to their properties and cats’ behaviour to comply with the curfew.

“The drop-in sessions on August 19 will support a smooth transition to the updated curfew,” she said.

“They also offer cat owners the chance to ask our Rangers Services team questions and learn more about what you can do to prevent your cat from roaming outside your premises.

“Options include buying or building a cat enclosure for your yard, or installing cat-proof fencing.”

Cr Hodge said the 24-hour cat curfew aimed to promote responsible pet ownership and was a priority of the council’s Domestic Animal Management Plan.

“The revised curfew is likely to reduce registered cats’ impact on neighbours and their pets, wildlife and becoming a nuisance,” she said.

“While these might seem like significant steps, it’s important to note that cat owners already have a legal obligation to ensure their cat doesn’t trespass on other people’s properties.”

More information on the revised cat curfew and drop-in sessions are available at surfcoast.vic.gov.au/CatCurfew