$6.5 million commitment to lifesaving club redevelopment

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Ash Bolt

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has made a visit to the Surf Coast this week to announce funding for the Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club.

Mr Morrison joined Liberal Corangamite candidate Stephanie Asher on Monday in Torquay to announce a $6.5 million pledge to the redevelopment of the Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club if a Liberal government was re-elected this month.

“This funding means the club can expand patrols, Nipper programs, surf sports and community events,” Ms Asher said.

“The existing Torquay SLSC was built in 1972 and has been outgrown by the increasing number of local residents and visitors at one of Victoria’s busiest beaches.

“This significant investment will help ensure this community facility will be able to keep pace with growing demand, ensure local programs can expand and support volunteers to continue their outstanding work.

“As a proud member of both the Torquay and Ocean Grove SLSCs, I understand the importance of these facilities on physical health, wellbeing and social connection.

“The Torquay SLSC brings together families from across over local area and keeps residents and visitors safe in the water year-round.”

Ms Asher said the commitment added to a previous $500,000 provided to the redevelopment by the government in 2019.

It’s the second significant election commitment the club has received this year, after state opposition leader Matthew Guy announced in January he would provide $3.5 million towards the redevelopment if the Liberal Party won this year’s state election.

Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club captain Julian Sweeney told the Independent at the time the club expected the upgrade would cost $11 million.

It had raised more than $1 million of its own funding for the project.

He said the upgrade would allow for the clubrooms and beach to be more accessible for people of all abilities, as well as becoming a “centre of excellence” for Life Saving Victoria training on the Surf Coast and a hub for community groups to use year round.