Primary school children will get the chance to learn from world-renowned ballerinas in the heart of Geelong these school holidays.
Children aged 3-12 are invited to register for their chance to dance with the country’s best when the Australian Ballet holds its school holiday workshops next week.
The workshops on July 4-6 at the Geelong Arts Centre’s (GAC) Limelight Studio 4, with multiple sessions offered for different age groups.
Young movers will be able to explore the world of dance through warm-ups, dance exercises and choreographic games, involving costume design, music and storytelling. No ballet experience is required.
Those who attend the creative workshops will also receive free tickets to the Australian Ballet’s subsequent performances of Pomi and Gobba when the company returns to Geelong on July 28-29.
Pomi and Gobba, which also provides a focus for the junior workshops, is a contemporary retelling of the Wiradjuri Dreamtime story Gobbagumbalun and Pomingalarna, two frogs who feel like they don’t quite fit in with the rest of their families.
Australian Ballet dancers and teachers will also be holding two-hour workshops for teachers of all kinds on July 26 at Spotlight Studio 2, facilitating professional development in an artistic setting to encourage alternative strategies and innovative thinking in the classroom.
GAC head of programming Penny McCabe said the whole community could enjoy the performances and workshops offered by the Australian Ballet.
“GAC is thrilled to provide the G-21 region with the opportunity to explore ballet excellence with the best in the business, the Australian Ballet.”
For more information on the Australian Ballet events visit geelongartscentre.org.au.