Scholarships for college duo

Northern Bay College students Hel Thaw Ser and Elizabeth McKernan received Harding Miller Education Foundation scholarships. (supplied)

Two Northern Bay College students have received Harding Miller Education Foundation scholarships.

The scholarships are awarded to students in Year 9, and at the end of Year 10, the recipients are invited to reapply for another two years of support. The four years of scholarship support is valued at over $20,000.

Elizabeth McKernan and Hel Thaw Ser, from the college’s Goldsworthy campus, received the scholarships which are provided to female students who show high academic potential and who are currently experiencing low socioeconomic circumstances.

“Receiving the Harding Miller Scholarship is an amazing accomplishment for me,” Hel Thaw said.

“As a recipient, I take great pride in the dedication and persistence I have demonstrated in my academic pursuits. My upbringing in a refugee home has instilled in me a deep desire to care for and look out for others, whether they be family, friends, or others.

“My career goal is to become a doctor. Due to my father inspiring me at a young age, my heart is determined to sustain those who need care at that appointed time and moment. Attaining this scholarship, I believe it’s the first step to achieving my lifelong career goal.”

Hel Thaw and Elizabeth receive a new laptop, high-speed internet, face-to-face and online tutoring, online homework assistance, prepaid expense cards to cover school essentials such as textbooks and excursions, as well as study skills resources and a personal coach to guide them over the four years of the scholarship.

Harding Miller Education Foundation chief operations officer Caroline Hill said the foundation is proud to be providing vital support to help promising young girls reach their full potential.

“We are so pleased to announce two Greater Geelong students as some of the scholarship recipients for 2024,” she said.

“The foundation’s vital support for high-potential young girls experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage has become even more critical as our country faces increased pressures with higher costs of living.”