Winchelsea Pool tendered


Surf Coast Shire Council has awarded a design and construction contract for the Winchelsea Swimming Pool, a project funded under the council’s 2023-24 budget.

During its June 27 meeting, the council awarded Bowden Corporation Pty Ltd with the more than $8 million lump sum contract and allocated $100,512 from the Asset Renewal Reserve to the pool’s budget.

Cr Adrian Schoenfelder said he was “extremely excited” by the Winchelsea Pool project, and that it would provide significant physical and mental health benefits.

“We’re rebuilding and renewing an asset that has been a very valued part of the Winchelsea town,” he said.

“This, in effect, is facilitating the source of social infrastructure and open space to enable healthy lifestyles.

“Improving access to local services and programs supports people to be healthy and well and also enables communities to strengthen their social connections and participate in community life.”

The Winchelsea Swimming Pool has been closed since March after serving the community since its opening in 1963, with more than $4.5 million from the council’s budget allocated to its renewal.

Cr Heather Wellington said the pool was an essential part of the Winchelsea community that had reached the “end of its useful life” and required redeveloping.

“I hope we can get an on-time, on-budget, and beautifully constructed pool,” she said.

“I am thrilled that this is being funded and that this community is not going to lose this incredibly valued asset.”

Bowden was one of three suppliers that submitted tenders for the design and construction contract, which was expected by the council to deliver the best value-for-money outcome.

The budget funding and awarded contract are part of the council’s $8.5 million project to revamp the pool and foster a healthy and connected community for Winchelsea.