Concerns raised over Anglesea Community and Health Hub


The Anglesea Community and Health Hub has already received criticism, despite only being in the early stages of development.

Surf Coast Shire Council agreed to conduct further community engagement on the project during its February 27 meeting, with the community invited to be part of the hub’s co-design process.

Community members raised concerns during the council meeting regarding the hub’s features and proposed changes to the facility on McMillan Street.

“I’ve been a resident in Anglesea for 58 years and I know a lot of people who in Anglesea. I do not know one person who is in favour of this proposal,” a concerned community member said.

“We came from a position of not knowing anything about the process, to being presented with the plan of consolidating lots of activities in a small area so we could create land for the social housing,” another said.

Chief executive Robyn Seymour said the data collected to date indicated that “many people support the idea of affordable housing for workers on the site”, a statement that led to “rubbish” being shouted from those watching in the gallery.

Mayor Liz Pattison said the hub’s ageing building was struggling to meet community needs, and early planning was underway for the new 30-year plan to improve its standards and service.

“There has been a high level of interest in this project, so we want to make sure that community needs and views and captured and reflected in the hub’s design,” she said.

“There will also be an opportunity for the broader community to review and provide feedback on the draft concept plan developed through the co-design process, before it is considered by council.”

A draft concept plan developed by the representative group will be shared with the community for feedback and then presented to the council by the middle of the year.

Participants in the co-design process will be selected through an expression of interest, which can be made at or on 5261 0600 from March 1 to 15.