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Sea pilots welcome revweiw of operations

Andrew MathiesonQUEENSCLIFF’S Sea Pilots say they have nothing to hide from a government inquiry into the state of Victorian marine pilotage. But Port Phillip Sea...

Mmm, chocolate distribution rights

A Geelong entrepreneur will have to be quick on his feet when three tonnes of fine Belgian chocolates arrive at his doorstep in less...

TV channel all go as hits on website build

Hamish HeardGeelong’s first TV station has won recognition as a world leader in internet television broadcasting a month after its launch. GOTV director Adam Tribe...

MP: Libs plan to dump on us

Peter FaragoSTATE Opposition has a secret plan to build a toxic waste dump near Geelong, according to Member for Geelong Province John Eren. Mr Eren,...

Making Millions

Hamish HeardThe amount of home owners sitting on million-dollar-plus residential properties in City of Greater Geelong has more than doubled in the past two...

Growth set to deliver ”new Torquay school”

Jane EmerickTorquay could be in line for another primary school, a Department of Eduction spokesperson has told the Independent. The spokesperson said the department was...

Fluoride to reach full dose

Hamish HeardState Government is set to give Geelong’s storages water a full dose of fluoride after the city’s supply is linked to Melbourne’s, according...

Trial for biolsolids project

By Hamish HeardBarwon Water will begin drying recycled sewage sludge at a trial facility next week ahead of building a $30 million plant at...

On the scrap heap

Hamish HeardFifty workers lost their jobs and $1.8 million in entitlements when a Breakwater car parts manufacturer closed yesterday. Furious Coghlan Russell Engineering workers made...

RSL to discuss merger

Karen HartMerger plans are on the table for two Bellarine Peninsula sub-branches of the RSL. The Ocean Grove sub-branch, which has around 110 members, will...

Language a barrier for dogs

Andrew MathiesonNON-ENGLISH speaking international students are abandoning pet dogs with poor social skills in Geelong before returning overseas, an animal welfare report has revealed. Geelong...

Hockey Schtick

Hamish HeardFederal Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey used an overnight stay in Geelong this week to launch a verbal attack on Labor’s candidate for...

HEY grants help Geelong youth

Geelong LGBTQA+ community will benefit from the state government’s latest round of the Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) grants. Minister for Mental Health Ingrid Stitt on...

Running for memory