A PLEA in last week’s Independent to fast-track planning processes for a $320 million farm has won State Government support.
Planning Minister Matthew Guy this week announced he would speed up approvals for the project along with nine other Geelong developments.
Sustainable Farms plans to build Australia’s first waste-to-energy-to-food farm near Avalon, creating more than 1000 jobs.
Sustainable Farms spokesperson Michael Mifsud said the consortium had been wating to hear Mr Guy’s announcement.
“The formal announcement gives Sustainable Farms the clearance to commence the planning process, consultation and investigations required to move ahead with the $320 million Lara project with a view to commence construction in 2015,” Mr Mifsud said.
“Of the 1000 jobs expected to be created, there will be skilled and semi-skilled positions related to the energy centre and for the management of the enterprise as a whole, the bulk of the jobs will be related to food production and glasshouse management.
“Sustainable Farms Australia is committed to providing the documentation and work required bringing this important project to the Geelong community and with it a long-term, sustainable economic benefit to the region.
“We’ve also had preliminary discussions with nearby large businesses, industry and community stakeholders.
“Since launching the project, we’ve been approached by a number of Australian and international agriculture-based businesses interested in the concept of creating a sustainable-based food production facility.
“This has reinforced that the project concept offers a significant opportunity to the Geelong region.”
Mr Guy said the fast-tracked projects would create thousands of Geelong jobss.
The other projects included a major retail and logistics precinct at Avalon Airport, a Fyansford residential and commercial development, Simonds Stadium light tower signage, rezoning Lovely Banks land, attracting investment in central Geelong and encouraging supermarket expansions.
“More than 3000 jobs will be created by the new fast-tracked projects, with another 5400 jobs to be generated at the recently approved Armstrong Creek town centre,” he said.
“A re-elected Napthine Coalition Government will also fast-track planning approvals in Geelong’s industrial precincts, including the Geelong Ring Road Employment Precinct.”