Special help needed for our athletes

Sporting chance: back, Carmel Greenhalgh, Barry Lynch, Mike Greenhalgh, front, Brook Greenhalgh and Kasay Thomson.Sporting chance: back, Carmel Greenhalgh, Barry Lynch, Mike Greenhalgh, front, Brook Greenhalgh and Kasay Thomson.

By John Van Klaveren
A GEELONG volunteer committee organising sports activities for Special Olympics athletes is desperate for help, according to its chairman.
Barry Lynch said Geelong was home to leading Special Olympics athletes but was unable to run enough programs for them.
“We’re struggling even with committee positions and we lost one of our sports managers recently,” Mr Lynch said.
The Special Olympics Barwon Region committee organised year-round sports competitions for people with intellectual disabilities, he said.
“There’s only three of us trying to run it at the moment but we’re getting to the stage where we want to retire. We’re looking for younger people to inject some new passion and take up the reins.
Mr Lynch said sport greatly benefited intellectually disabled people.
“Special Olympics helps them discover skills that allow them to improve their health and develop self-confidence.”
Information about volunteering for the committee is available by phoning Sandra Lovell on 5278 4709 or emaling ronlovell@ optusnet.com.au.