PROTESTERS this morning began blockading the entrance of the Swan Island Military Base near Queenscliff, preventing staff from accessing the top secret base.
“With another disastrous war looming, it appears that Swan Island are seeking to avoid the public scrutiny of the SAS activities”, said spokesman Greg Rolles.
“Western military intervention has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the last fifteen years, and decimated many countries. The West has not only given these extremist groups a message of retribution to sell, but we have directly and indirectly funded and armed them.
“Western military intervention is the best recruiting tool that ISIS could dream of.
“Instead of rushing in again, all guns blazing, we need to cut ISIS’s purse strings –arms embargoes, block oil supply channels and support a regional solution.
“Our prime minister calls ISIS a death cult. But Australia and its allies has killed far more people in Muslim countries in the last fifteen years.
Swan Island is being targeted as it is home to the secretive SAS unit SAS 4 as well as the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, and is believed to be a key facility contributing to the US “wars on terror”.
The group is pleading with the Government not to bomb Syria and to withdraw SAS troops from Afghanistan.
“Australia’s alliance with the U.S. has dragged us into two disastrous wars in the last decade and is threatening to bring us back into Iraq,” Rolles concluded.