Fine appeals plunge 40 per cent

Andrew Mathieson
APPEALS against parking fines have dropped about 40 per cent in the past two years, according to Geelong council’s latest figures.
The reduction in motorists querying unfair fines followed an Auditor-General investigation that exposed dodgy review systems at City Hall.
The investigation found the City’s internal review processes for withdrawing fines was “inadequate or had gaps”.
State Government set up a unit three years ago to clean up unfair council fines but found further improvements were necessary.
The City said it had spent more than 18 months cleaning up its review system.
Acting chief executive Stephen Griffin said the fall in appeals indicated increased public satisfaction with the fine system since implementing “flexible parking arrangements”, such as new parking machines that print paper tickets for use in multiple locations while time remains unexpired.
Last week the Independent reported the City’s revenues from fines, mostly parking infringements, was down $164,000 on the previous 12 months.