By John Van Klaveren
STATE Government cuts could “hammer” public sector jobs in regional centres like Geelong, a union fears.
Community and Public Sector Union secretary Karen Batt said the “unsustainable” policy would devastate services.
“There will be a significant loss of spending power in the community as well as a flow on effect,” she said.
The Government’s “sustainable government” initiative seeks to cut 3600 public service jobs.
The cuts would comprise a recruitment freeze, non-renewal of fixed-term contracts and voluntary redundancies over two years.
“There are high numbers in the Department of Sustainability and Environment and Department of Primary Industries on fixed terms. Many are being tapped on the shoulder and told their contracts won’t be renewed,” Ms Batt said.
“We understand it could be as many as one in six in DPI and one in eight in DSE.
“Then there’s also significant numbers affected in the Department of Human Services and Department of Justice.”
Ms Batt said the reductions’ “huge impact” would lower the region’s skill base.
“The nature of how it is being done is concerning because it doesn’t discern between frontline staff, who are supposed to be exempt and support staff.”
“It’s running resources across all the programs and we think there’s further pain to come.
“The Government has avoided questions on why it has no jobs plan for Geelong when the government is the leading job cutter.”
A Government spokesperson had not replied to a call for comment when the Independent went to press.