Risk grounded


DANGEROUS power lines in the Otways will be among the first targeted for replacement to reduce bushfire risk, State Government has confirmed.
The replacement program will include the popular tourist towns of Torquay, Anglesea, Airey’s Inlet and Lorne.
A spokesperson for Energy and Resources Minister Nicholas Kotsiras said the $200 million replacement fund was part of a 10-year $750 million Powerline Bushfire Safety Program.
“The Victorian Coalition Government is committed to the targeted replacement of power lines in high risk areas to reduce the risk of bushfires started by electricity assets,” the spokesperson said.
“The first power lines will be replaced this financial year under the Powerline Replacement Fund to replace bare wire overhead power lines.
“This program fully meets all the relevant recommendations of the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission and significant works have already been carried out that improve safety for Victorians.
“The Fire Services Commissioner has identified areas in and around the Otway Ranges, the Dandenong Ranges and Warburton district as target areas for the first phase of power line replacement.”
Power lines were blamed for some of the largest and deadliest fires on Black Saturday.
The Bushfires Royal Commission recommended the progressive replacement of all 22-kilovolt distribution feeders with aerial bundled cable or underground wires.
Fire Services Commissioner Craig Lapsley said he had been working with power companies and government departments to identify the highest-risk areas.
“This is fundamental. Anything to stop the start of a fire is a good thing,’’ Mr Lapsley said.