Teen Tess ‘gets real’ with album

AN ALBUM is like a business card for 16-year-old music sensation Tess Guthrie.
The Torquay teenager said her career choice seemed “even more real” following the release of her debut album, Suntrail.
Tess hoped the album would show the world she was serious about music.
“I’ve wanted to record my songs for a number of years. Musicians use albums like a business card to show people you’re serious about your career choice.
“It’s really, really exciting. It feels really nice to finally have something I can show people.”
Tess, who launched the album last week, said her indy-roots music showcase was the product of years of hard work and commitment.
Earlier this month she won Apollo Bay Music Festival’s New Wave competition.
“My first taste of songwriting came through the 2007 Rip Curl Pro songs competition but it wasn’t until 2009 that I really got into song writing and became determined to write an album.
“I don’t like writing songs about things I haven’t experienced, so I’m not going to write a song about getting married or anything but I do think it’s nice to step outside yourself and express what you’re feeling.
“It was a great experience.”
Tess said she had also integrated music into her year 11 studies at Kardinia College.
“VCE music is really helpful. It kind of all fits together.
The band I’m in, Square One, is also based at Kardinia. I couldn’t really see myself doing something other than music.”