Surf Coast vetoes giant caravan park

Cabins proposed for the unsuccessful caravan park.

By Noel Murphy

PLANS for a massive caravan park outside Torquay have been rejected by Surf Coast Shire.
More than 200 objections and concerns the scale and intensity of the project were out of step with the surrounding area and Great Ocean Road management plan drove the unanimous veto.
“Council worked with the proponent to ensure the community was engaged about this proposal and a lot of concern was expressed during that process,” mayor Rose Hodge said.
“Council is required to assess every application on its merits and there are legitimate issues around how this proposal would have affected the non-urban break around the Thompson Valley and the nature of occupancy on the site.”
The caravan park plans, by BCR Asset Management, comprised 719 camping sites and cabins on a 50ha property.
Surf Coast Shire council decided not to issue a permit for the application at its August public meeting, on the grounds that:
– The scale and intensity were contrary to the rural setting of the Thompson Valley and the low-density residential environment to the southeast.
– The scale and intensity of the proposal were not compatible with the non-urban break of the Thompson Valley.
– It exceeded projected accommodation requirements for the area determined through the Great Ocean Road Destination Management Plan.
– Insufficient detail on how the facility would operate, permanency of residents, community facilities and potential lease arrangements on cabins.