It was meant to be a farewell party for the volunteers of the closing Oppe Shoppe – but turned out to be a celebration instead.
Despite weeks of preparing to close, and letting all their loyal customers know, Belmont’s long-running and much-loved Oppe Shoppe has a new lease on life.
Long-standing volunteer Maria De Amicis said everyone involved in the Belmont Baptist venture was delighted it would remain open.
“We arrived at the Friday afternoon farewell party to find the manager of Diversitat and other managers present and the pastor told us the news.
“Diversitat will take over the Oppe Shoppe, so now we have to let everyone know it’s not closing as advertised.”
Manager Di Ibbotson said the High Street op shop had been struggling recently, with a reduction in revenue from sales making the rental harder to pay.
“But Diversitat heard we were closing and the moved quickly to contact us. It was all agreed within 24 hours.
“So we want to let everyone know that we’d love them to keep coming to shop here. We’re taking donations again and most of the volunteers are staying on as well.
“In fact, we could use some more help. We’re looking for a retired electrician to volunteer half a day a week to test the donated electrical appliances before sale.”
Ms De Amicis said retired electicians willing to help and anyone with donations or keen to volunteer could phone the Oppe Shoppe on 5244 1306 or visits its premises at 5/110-120 High Street.