I want to fight bikies

Alex de Vos
A witness has told how he attended the Breakwater headquarters of the Bandidos bikie gang on the day of Ross Brand’s murder with the intention of fighting members.
Brothers John Bedson, 26 and Derek Bedson, 22, appeared in Geelong Magistrate’s Court under heavy police guard this week charged with the murder of Mr Brand.
Mr Brand was shot in the head during an alleged drive-by shooting outside the Breakwater clubhouse in October.
During a committal hearing on Wednesday, the witness told the court that John Bedson drove him in a car to the Bandidos headquarters on the afternoon of October 22.
The man said the car, carrying six passengers, pulled up about 10 metres in front of the clubhouse before he and another passenger jumped out.
“Everyone was sort of saying ‘Stop, stop’ then John did a U-bolt and stopped out the front,” the witness told the court.
“We were told that everyone was going to get out to fight with the Bandidos but only (me and another passenger) got out.
“I saw two people at the door and one of them was Ross Brand.
“There was yelling and shouting and things being said from the car and I jumped back in.”
The witness said he was “p….d off because everyone was meant to get out of the car”.
The witness said that after the visit to the Bandidos clubhouse the men travelled to Buckley’s Entertainment Centre where they met Derek Bedson.
“At Buckley’s John got out of the car and went to Derek’s vehicle and got into the back seat,” the witness told the court.
“I remained in John’s car and we left and drove to Derek’s house.”
The witness said he did not see John Bedson in possession of a firearm when he entered Derek Bedson’s vehicle.
He told the court that, after the brothers later returned to the house, he had heard John Bedson tell his brother “a couple of people (were) lying on the ground”.
In a statement to police the witness said “he did not see any guns on the day of the shooting and did not hear after the shooting what kind of gun was used or where it went after (the shooting)”.
Security remained tight outside the packed courtroom on the third day of the committal hearing.
The hearing before Magistrate Andrew Capell was continuing when the Independent went to press.