A FORMER Point Lonsdale nurse is using her retirement to fulfill a long-held painting ambition.
Pauline Treloar said she always made time for painting through “raising kids and moving around” but since retiring at 60 she was able to paint full-time.
“I’ve painted all my life but just as a hobby. Now I am very prolific. I paint every day.”
Ms Treloar will showcase her oil paintings at Point Lonsdale’s Tussock Upstairs Gallery until August 19.
“When you get to my age and retire you’ve really got to do something,” Ms Treloar said.
“If you ask most painters or artists, it’s a passion. You’ve got to do it – it’s part of who you are.”
Ms Treloar said she enjoyed painting scenes of the “lovely” Bellarine Peninsula and the open Southern Ocean.
“I’ve got my own camera and it’s a matter of just going around and spending days tramping around looking for nice photos to take.”
Ms Treloar said she might return to a particular area “a few times” before returning home to paint from a photograph.
Sketch artist Jenny Laidlaw will share the exhibition space with Ms Treloar.