By John Van Klaveren
TO MOST it’s just the name of a goofy Hollywood comedy but a growing band of Geelongites have brought dodgeball to life.
Dodgeball is all the rage in Geelong, with an expanding number of teams about to be formed into an inaugural Geelong Dodgeball Association.
Dodgeball stalwart and four year “veteran” Rachel Dawson is driving foundation of the association with the help of a few fellow aficionados.
The sport already has up to 40 teams playing across two nights and fills its Vic Beach Geelong Indoor Sports Centre home to capacity.
“We’re trying to get another competition going on Sunday night to cope with the demand,” Rachel explained.
The inspiration for a formal association followed a group of Geelong dodgeballers attending a friendly tournament in Melbourne, mixing with players and teams from all over the country and New Zealand.
“We realised how popular it is and the potential to do more than just play in our own backyard,” Rachel said.
“We all had a lot of fun at the tournament, made a lot of contacts, received a lot of encouragement and talked to people from other teams who toured around nationally and internationally.”
Not only that, one of the two Geelong teams managed to take home some silverware by defeating both the New Zealand and Melbourne sides.
Rachel is a self-confessed dodgeball addict.
“I love it. I play in five teams, I coach one team and I’m always happy to offer some tips to newer teams coming in.”
Rachel also acts as a referee when required. Because the sport is so quick, referees need experience to keep up, as do the scorers.
“It’s just that much fun to play. Most teams when they get started just go in and play but the more established teams have developed a bit of strategy,” Rachel said.
“They get to know the strengths and weakness and style of play of other teams. Players will stand in different spots depending on who has the ball.”
Dodgeball is a more-organised variant of the old poison ball played in primary school, with players from one team throwing balls at the opposition, getting them out if they are struck.
Catching a thrown ball brings a team member back into the game, with players using deception and guile such a look-away throws or hiding the ball behind their back and surprising their target.
“Teamwork is the key between the six players – it’s hard to dodge three balls at once,” Rachel laughed.
“We have a five-second rule, which means a person holding a ball must throw it within five seconds.
“The balls are fast but very safe and you’re guaranteed a great workout. It gets your adrenalin pumping.”
Rachel has organised a tournament to launch the Geelong Dodgeball Association on 14 July, complete with sponsors and $500 in prizes.
Geelong Dodgeball Association’s Facebook page has more information.