OBJECTORS to a proposed transfer of an Ocean Grove community park to Geelong’s council have lodged a request for a special general meeting to block the move.
A member of Ocean Grove Park Association, Christine Brooks, has written to association president Colin Atkins requesting a postponement of any decision on the transfer until the meeting is convened.
Thirty-five association members, more than 10 per cent of the membership, supported the request, triggering the special general meeting condition.
A community petition has also been circulating Ocean Grove calling on the decision to be postponed.
The Independent reported two weeks ago that a proposed $1 million performance space for the park had sparked the ownership issue.
City Hall has set a funding condition that ownership of the park transfers from Trust for Nature to council.
Proponents argue that a covenant would be sufficient to protect the park.
Ms Brooks said Mr Atkins had ignored association members’ requests to arrange a vote on the issue.
“We’re not satisfied by any of the statements made by the park president in relation to the proposed covenant,” Ms Brooks said.
“There’s no need for a covenant. The park was saved when it was put into Trust for Nature ownership.
“This was considered the safest option for the future of the park in 2000 and it’s the safest option today,” she said.
“I haven’t seen a copy of the draft covenant but, whatever the conditions, there could be some loopholes.”
Ms Brooks said covenants could be released or varied by agreement between the parties.
She warned that the Victorian Government could end up owning the park if council took ownership but then went into state administration.
Ms Brooks said members had also requested access to all association documents regarding the proposal.