A HIDDEN part of the Moorbool River at Fyansford has been revealed following a riverbank reclamation project.
Friends of Buckley Falls project manager Tony Woolford said the area, near historic Monier Bridge, had been infested with weeds and rubbish.
“We’ve taken truckload after truckload of weeds and rubbish out of the area. It was an illegal rubbish dump,” Mr Woolford said.
“The weeds were so high they were obscuring the historic bridge and blocking the river in several places.
“This spot is the best feature of Fyansford and yet the most neglected.”
Mr Woolford said a Parks Victoria grant and Conservation Volunteers had assisted month of work on the reclamation project.
“We’re planting trees now and hopefully once the area is cleaned up there might be some funding available to put some walking tracks in.”