Buckets & Bouquets

Buckets to the owner of a blue car for doing a runner after reversing into our back gate in a lane off Percy St. Now our gate doesn’t open. It’s one thing to be a crappy driver, another to take no responsibility for your actions.
Broken Gate Bad Mood, Newtown

Buckets to a sport club for its treatment and subsequent sacking of under-18 B grade coaches. Both gave years of time to volunteer and mentor the players. They players are an amazing group but the club arrogantly ignored their support of the coaches. Best of luck to the players.
Fan, Highton

Bouquets to a man in a maroon ute who was travelling behind me at 9.30am on 17 May for trying to warm me of the danger of a car coming toward me at the intersection of Christies and Portarlington Rds, Leopold.
Margaret, Corio

Bouquets to the person who handed in my purse with everything intact at Corio Shopping Centre’s post office. I’m so grateful. Honest people are still in the world.
Melanie, Corio

Bouquets to the person who found and handed in my Myki card at South Geelong Railway Station on 19 June. I had just put money on the card and missed the train but reached my destination on the next one, thanks to you.
Vera, St Albans Park

Buckets to surfers who get angry with anglers after running into their fishing lines at Jan Juc. What gives you more right to use the beach than us? If you run into our lines it’s your fault, if we cast onto you it’s our fault. It’s called sharing.
Angry Angler, Grovedale

Bouquets to the caring staff at Geelong Hospital’s Bellarine Centre, six north, room 609. I appreciated the care and laughs shared during my recent stay at your “resort”. You were there when I needed you.
Lorna, Hamlyn Heights

Buckets to Bob Thompson (Letters, 20 June). What a way to mark Refugee Week, using an asylum seeker’s misfortune to take a cheap shot at his supporters. So much for compassion.
Disgusted, Geelong West

Bouquets to Shocked Mother (Buckets & Bouquets, 20 June). I too have been appalled by drivers apparently swerving to run over animals. However, perhaps the driver you saw might have been trying to put the rabbit, a noxious pest, out of its misery.
Maybe Merciful, Lara