MP in primary school petition

FEDERAL MP Darren Cheeseman has launched a petition for a new Torquay primary school and children’s services hub.
Mr Cheeseman said the petition would “put pressure” on State Government for funding.
“Over-crowding” at Surf Coast primary schools was at unacceptable levels and places in child care and three-year-old kindergarten were “virtually” impossible to find, he said.
“Although primary schooling is a State Government funding responsibility, over the past two years the Federal Government stepped in and has upgraded the capacity of every local primary school.”
Mr Cheeseman said Federal Government provided $210 million to Victoria so it could deliver the Commonwealth’s new standard of 15-hours a week of kindergarten for four-year-olds, which was “putting pressure” on three-year-old kinder places.
“This petition is about putting the pressure on the Victorian Government to deliver a fair share of that money to our region and to build another primary school.”
State Member for South Barwon Andrew Katos said next month’s budget would determine whether money was available for new secondary and primary schools in Torquay.
Mr Katos said he was aware of overcrowding problems and hoped to find a solution.