SCATTERED car parts usually mean serious issues for the TAC.
But the road safety organisation this week took delivery of a special car part – a bonnet artfully spray-painted with a timely message.
The eye-catching bonnet was created under Diversitat’s You Turn program, teaching automotive skills to disaffected youth for reassimilating into the community.
TAC purchased the Buy a Bonnet scheme’s first creation, with plans to display it in the organisation’s Brougham St headquarters.
TAC community relations head Joe Calafiore said the participants had obviously worked hard on the bonnet with “brilliant results”.
“We’ve been really pleased to support You Turn in its efforts to support young people to develop their skills towards long term employment.”
You Turn coordinator Greg Mather said the program enabled participants to demonstrate their skills.
“It creates a good link between the TAC and our cohort of young people, driving home the message about responsible driving and safety.
“Our program is not just about the hands-on skills but about life skills and making good choices when they are behind the wheel.
“It reaches the youth demographic that so often shows up in road trauma statistics.”
Diversitat chief Michael Martinez said the resuscitated You Turn program, formerly Handbrake Turn, had been delivering “great results”.
“We’d love to expand the Buy a Bonnet program to other organisations,” he said.